Should you trust major news sources? Well sometimes big news sources like Univision don't investigate deep enough and they don't give true facts. Univision was contacted by some parents from Emerson Elementary School in the beginning weeks of the school year. The parents told Univision that their children were complaining about their 3rd grade teacher being mean and racist to them. The kids said that they were not allowed to go to the bathroom more then once a day. They also said that they were not allowed to speak Spanish in class.
According to a staff member from district 100, most of the students that said that they were told not to speak Spanish were coming from a dual language classroom and their teacher told them that they were going to try to speak english,"First of all we have to understand that most of the kids were coming from a dual language classroom, So there teacher spoke Spanish to them, So when they entered this non dual language classroom they were told that they were going to try to speak English more". She also said that the students did not give their teachers a chance because it was only the second day of school. Obviously Univision didn't get both sides of the story, which made it seem bias.
But Univision was correct about the kids not being able to go to the bathroom. According to a students from heritage, she said that her little brother had gotten a "purple slip", demerit, for going to the bathroom twice a day. "My brother got a purple slip for going to the bathroom two times in a day." There also was a father lof one of the girls from the third grade classroom that said that the teacher was bring mean to her and the other Spanish speaking kids from the class.The girls has also had many other problems with previous teachers. So next time you hear a story think twice
I liked the way you proposed the issue in the article it was a very good way to hook your readers.